Mocktails for the Kids

These Mocktails are perfect for kids of all ages. It will make them feel like they are part of the crowd this holiday season and of course they'll think they get adult drinks as well.

Making one or more of these yummy mocktails for our family New Year's celebration this year!

A Few Tips:

  • Use plastic champagne flutes. Kids (and let’s face it, adults, too!) can be clumsy with glasses they don’t use often. Plus, no one wants to clean up broken glass during a party. Pick up a set of plastic flutes like these to avoid catastrophe.
  • Use light-colored juice. Candy that has food coloring (like the rock candy) will change the color of your juice. For the most eye-catching results, use apple, white grape or another light-colored juice. (Sparkling apple juice was used in the photos.)
  • Cut the juice with water if you need to. If your kids go nuts when they have juice, you won’t want them wired right before bedtime (especially if you’re adding in the candy!)
  • For a huge selection of fun candies, go to your local party store. 

A Few Drink Ideas for Inspiration:

  • Sparkling juice with rock candy or gummy bears (pictured)
  • Sparkling juice with another favorite candy – Sour Patch Kids, Pop Rocks, gum drops, etc.
  • Milk with a sprinkles rim
  • Chocolate milk with whipped cream or whipped topping
