beef and noodles in a white bowl with a slow cooker in the background

Great beef and noodle recipe!

What you'll need:

  • chuck roast
  • vegetable oil
  • steak seasoning
  • salt & pepper
  • onion
  • minced garlic
  • water
  • Better than Bouillon (concentrated beef stock)
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • dried homestyle egg noodles
  • heavy cream (optional)
  • Season both sides of chuck roast with steak seasoning and salt & pepper. Rub it in well.
  • In a large skillet over high heat, add vegetable oil. I'm just doing this right in my Ninja cooker since it has a sauce option.
  • Once oil is heated, add chuck roast. It should make a nice, loud sizzle when you put it in. Brown for about 2 minutes, then flip it over and brown the opposite side. Brown for a couple of minutes then turn off heat.
  • Transfer chuck roast to your 6 quart crock pot. Add in diced onion and minced garlic.
  • Cover crock pot and cook on low for about 6-8 hours. No additional liquid needs to be added.
  • After roast has cooked, pull it out and put it on a plate (leaving juices in the crockpot).
  • Begin shredding the beef, taking care to remove any excess fat bits. Place the shredded beef back into the crock pot.
  • In a bowl, whisk together the water, Better than Bouillon and Worcestershire sauce. Pour mixture into crock pot over beef.
  • Stir in egg noodles then cover crock pot and cook for an additional hour on low until noodles are fully cooked. Stir once or twice in the final hour of cooking to make sure all the noodles cook evenly and absorb the liquid. If mixture gets too thick and noodles aren't quite done yet, add an additional ½ cup of water, gently stir and continue cooking.
  • Optional: During the last 15 minutes of cooking, stir in ½ cup heavy cream. This just adds a bit of creaminess to mixture but is not absolutely necessary for good taste.
